Note 1: Only businesses based in Bulloch County.
Note 2: No insurance or license has been checked.
Note 3: You may choose to ask about bonding or insurance.
(Not an endorsement or recommendation, merely information.)
The Explorseum - Pre-K (Statesboro) 912-259-9500
Kidovations Educational Experience (Statesboro) 912-871-3366
Smiles, Giggles, & Hugs - Pre-K (Statesboro) 912-681-1100
**Other Child Care Resources**
Bible Baptist Christian Academy
Bulloch Academy
Trinity Christian School
Brooklet Methodist
First Baptist - Statesboro
First Methodist - Statesboro
Brooklet Elementary
Langston Chapel Elementary
Nevils Elementary
Portal Elementary
Southeast Bulloch High
Statesboro High
How to enroll in Georgia's Pre-K Program Visit (dot) gov/bfts/enrollinginprek.aspx All content Copyright 2024 D. Colburn